

Discord: CknNuggs#2392

About me:
I started to fall in love with aviation when I was 9 years old, as I flew on my first flight from KSAT - KDFW then to KDFW to KLAX. From there on I had a lot of interest in aviation and now I’m all the way here, in AAVA and a great IF career.

Infinite Flight: I have been flying for 3 years, although I took a long break from May 2021 to starting up again in August of 2023.

My YouTube handle:
I don’t post on a schedule yet. I hope too in the future, but as of right now no. I am trying to make a few videos before the summer ends, but there’s no guarantee of anything. If you like my content, please subscribe. You don’t have too but I would really appreciate it.

My outside life:
Outside of the aviation life, I am a diehard baseball player. I love the Baltimore Orioles, my favorite baseball team, and the select/ travel team I play for is the South Texas Sliders. I play Call of Duty: Warzone and a little bit of Fortnite but its boring.

My Stats