Zachyyk’s ATC Tracking Thread - [CLOSED]

No worries!

Feedback from: General 575


  • Taxi to runway: ✅

  • Taxi to parking: ❌


  • Takeoff / make ___ traffic: 🟧

  • Cleared for the option: ❌

  • Sequencing: ❌

  • Exit runway: ❌

Other Feedback:

  • Having me taxi to 25L would probably have been better for pattern work instead of 25R

  • I was given a takeoff clearance but without a traffic pattern and it was sent while the A318 was still pretty much on the runway

  • Handing me off to Departure would be wrong for pattern work which is why I tuned back in

  • I was not able to even come anywhere close to the airport because you said no pattern work even though pattern work is the whole reason why I came and how I can test you

  • No exit runway, clearance or sequencing obviously

I would highly suggest opening at a smaller airport or at least accept pattern work because that’s how most people test controllers

I’m sorry, It was so busy that i didn’t realize that was you. I appreciate your feedback and i’ll make sure i note who is who before making clearances. I appreciate you helping me train.

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