Your “are you serious right now” moment in infinite flight

When there’s a plane travelling directly in the opposite direction as well as flying at the same alt as yours and they don’t do anything to avoid a head-on conflict

unauthorised go around? You can go around for any reason you (as a pilot) think is valid

Ok I got one…

At EGAC(Georgie Best Apt) & you have to back taxi & use a turning point to take off… well

I checked before announcing & there was a plane nearby but it didn’t make any contact with EGAC so I assumed it was going to the nearby international apt.

It was evening so there were a few stars just appearing. As I was back taxiing, I suddenly thought “that star ahead seems quite bright”…. Suddenly realised it was that plane on a 2nm final 👀😭

Luckily I squeezed off the rwy & hugged the turning point… but are you serious right now 😅😮‍💨🤯


I think they mean pattern work… But often times on the training server tower denies pattern work even when there’s little to no traffic and people on the training server are supposed to be training so I don’t disagree with them doing pattern work.


@EFHYspotter That might be from Server lag. I know I’ve definitely had planes get dragged around the airport backwards at Mach 1 for no reason at all, only for them to reset at the gate right next to me 10 seconds later 😂


But that guy was literally asleep, ATC had to wake him up 😂 But I understand what you are saying, I got jumpscared by 777 a couple weeks ago while taxiing 😂

Oops, I was thinking abt go-arounds while I typed that

Being on final approach and hearing “dinner’s ready!” 😭


“Alright I’m on final time to take over. My airplane. Ok lets butter this. Game decides to have other plans and crash. Alright No biggy 30 minutes left. Well I have work in 30 minutes lets just forget it”

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“replay file is corrupt” 😔

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Landing and then realizing that you somehow forgot to turn on your strobes and landing lights since you were in cockpit view the whole time 🤦


Taxiing a Pan Am 747-200 off the runway and being jumpscared by a guy who was trying to Tenerife me(Those who know). >:l


When I was younger and I was about to touch down and my mom comes in asking “whatcha doin” like can you not right now lmao.

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When you’re at a fully staffed airport and you take off/land with your strobes and landing lights off


Had k-unit cut me off while i was taxing at cyyz. Learn patience bud. I am waiting for my taxi clearance.

After a long haul flight when i am just about to land and iPad dies or when controlling ground atc in training servers.

Corrupt replay file after a 2-hour long formation flight. 💔


When you are on final in a fly-in event you were looking very forward to, and everything is just perfect, no trolls, no lagging, right on the glide slope, at the perfect speed, no cross wind, and you say: I’m gonna butter this landing. Then the aircraft goes right through the ground. Turns out, there was an issue with the scenery cache🤯. @Jacob_Lu you know what I’m talking about


HAHAHHAHAHAH LMFAOOOOO. yes very, are you serious rn lolll