I recently came across this decision:
Now for most users, this won’t be of concern. I fully understand the vast majority of Infinite Flight players exclusively fly or prefer the latest aircraft/livery currently in operation.
But for some of us, few as we may be, one of the biggest joys of Infinite Flight is our ability to experience aircraft that are no longer in the air. It’s the beauty of Infinite Flight - Being able to do something we otherwise could not.
Naturally, being a small part of the Infinite Flight community, we’ve come to expect and manage with only a few classic/retro options. We understand that. We know why. Resources have to be devoted to what most people want.
So when there is a promising opportunity to get something historic, we rejoice hopefully.
Those hopes were shattered by the decision to not even consider the American A330.
The purpose of the Features category is to express interest in a proposed development. However, if a feature isn’t even going to be considered, regardless of the number of votes, because it is no longer in service, then this has major implications for the future of Infinite Flight.
Are we to expect all historical livery requests to be closed now? If liveries are not allowed, what about aircraft? Will all those requests be closed too? And if not, why?
I see no reason in allowing requests to be open for features clearly off the books in terms of development.
All of this is to say, I hope we are not witnessing the end of historical options in Infinite Flight. We Classic Airplane lovers have to live constantly with a limited scope of Aviation Enthusiasm in the community, one that seems to be focused on Modern Pax planes and not so much for Private, Military, GA, and Retro.
Which is fine! People can like what they what, and should be proud of it! But when a fair number of people (60) voted for the historical American A330 livery, we had a real reason to celebrate the possibility of getting an old paint job. Those hopes, and the thin hope for more like it, have been dashed by this abrupt decision.
If you’ve made it this far, I sincerely appreciate your patience in reading my thoughts. This is not a knock on staff, or the community. It is merely an appeal to at least consider the repercussions of this decision. For some of us, it means a lot more than you may think.
Many thanks,