Yellowstone Fly-Out - 22 September (DEPARTED)

Hi ! I’d like to fly this one, please.

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Thank you !

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I’ll take GTS.

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I’ll be opening in 5-10 minutes. Is everyone ready?

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Opening in 2 minutes!

Can no longer attend

If you haven’t already, please spawn. I need this to know if I will be opening.

@FlyByWire1 @Jger @rbznq7yrcr @YAWspeed @CedricFlys @Prestoni @Pierre_Vorwald

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I’ve already spawned but I’m alone there.

I might start controlling, but I would like to know if there is at least 3 users-once there are, please notify me.

@whyevenbothernaming Do you see me on the server ?

I do. It appears that you are the only one there, which is not sufficient traffic for me to open.

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No problem : I understand you. I just wanted to be sure that the servers are working.

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Apologies @Pierre_Vorwald @whyevenbothernaming

Thought there might be a few more turn-up in the end given some late sign ups.

I’ll be there soon

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Welcome on the tarmac 😀

Looks pretty dead here, did everyone leave already or did everyone flake? 😂

Sorry I couldn’t attend

Had a last minute bbq party

Maybe flake. I’m here since 45 minutes 🤣

We may as well just fly out, I’m gonna push back soon

Ok. Go first. I’ll follow you.