So there is a big discussion going on, along what is better; Xplane Mobile or IF.
Here I will be comparing who is better in certain aspects like scenery, graphics, textures, etc.
First aspect:
This is a really tricky one because if the fact that X plane does not have satellite imagery but has 3d cities and buildings. On the other hand, IF has satellite imagery but it is quite blurry and hard to see. But for the airports, X plane is the clear winner. Its runways are very detailed and just the textures are also just right. So looks like xplane won the scenery aspect.
1-0 for xplane
Next we have aircraft.
IF does have a much much greater aircraft selection that xplane, but it is also true that most of the xplane planes compared to the IF are much higher in quality. Here is an example of the a330 in both sims:
As you can see, the xplane a330 is much better and more realistic. However, since infinite flight has a lot more planes and more variety, IF gets the point for this.
Next we have systems.
For this there definitely is a clear winner and it is xplane because of just the extremely detailed aircraft and interactive cockpit. The new a330 mcdu is also fully functional which is just crazy.
2-1 xplane.
Next we have physics.
For this topic, I know many people will disagree with me but X plane has been known for the best physics in flight simulator. This also though depends on what aircraft you use as well, because for example, the a320 in xplane has bad physics , but so does the a340 as well. But I do think that xplane gets the win for this because of the flight model function and the newer better aircraft.
3-1 xplane
Next topic: community
This is also just an incredibly clear winner IF. I’m not even sure if xplane even has a community. But for this, IF takes the win.
Next topic: ATC
This is also just a clear winner, IF. This kinda adds on to the community aspect as well because if the application to become an ATC member. Xplane ATC is really bad, because nobody knows how to use it and all you get is people spamming messages at you.
Final score: 3-3
Both simulators are very great and have pros and cons, if I missed something or you disagree, please tell me in the comments where and why. Thanks!