XBOX Controller Mapping

Im having problems with some of the inputs on the controller, mainly being L/R triggers, LS and RS, these inputs i mentioned partly works or doesn’t work, L/R trigger detects in the game but when i assign them to the rudder, the input doesn’t assign to the right type of axis input, to simply explain it, it acts like its a joystick, so you’d either have the rudder at full lock or hold down halfway to have it in the default position.
The other problem is the L/R stick doesn’t detect at all, this I have no idea why it happens, would there be a possibility for these issues to be fixed? or is the demand isn’t high enough to be fixed? because i would want to fly on controller.

Device: iPad Air 5
OS: iPad OS 17.4.1
Controller: Xbox Series S wireless controller

Im gonna give it a try in a bit :)

The yaw control indeed doesn’t work after having assigned a button to it. Tried the triggers, the d-pad and the thumb sticks. Everything else works as intended though.

I don’t use the controller often to fly, so if anyone has any ideas, go ahead (@Jan :) )

To be honest, I’ve never flown with an XBOX controller until just now.
I was able to map Yaw to Left and Right of both the right stick and the D-pad without issues.

I’ll look into mapping more things to the controller tomorrow.

It makes sense though that a trigger acts as one axis.
Half way is neutral.

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i managed to have the rudder working with right analogue, but i massively prefer to have it on the triggers so i can actually slow down on the runway after a crosswind

I tried to assign left trigger with the Left rudder bind and right trigger to right rudder, that made it have no reactions or what so ever, but if i bind either left or right trigger to the rudder bind, it does what you say, so if there’s a way to get IF to recognise the trigger as a 0-100 axis instead of like a 0-50-100 axis as well as being able to tell the difference between LT and RT, hopefully that will be good enough, I know its not as simple as I said it.

This is what Laura said about it:

So at the moment the triggers on the controller are two separate axes.
Mapping them both to the same function in the app unfortunately isn’t an option.
They have a neutral position in the middle, so when pushing the trigger halfway, which makes them hard to use.

Mapping Yaw to Left & Right of the Right Stick works very well though.

The way I now have it setup is as follows:

Roll = Left & Right of the Left Stick
Pitch = Up & Down of the Left Stick
Yaw = Left & Right of the Right Stick
Trim Up = Left Bumper
Trim Down = Right Bumper
Throttle Up = Y
Throttle Down = A
Reverse Thrust = X
Spoilers = B
Brakes = Left Trigger
Flaps Down = D-Pad Down
Flaps Up = D-Pad Up
Parking Brakes = D-Pad Left
Gear = D-Pad Right

I’ve only done some quick testing, but with this setup I was able to fly quite well.

Hope this helps.

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