I’m sure that we can all agree, or most of us that we have been asked this question before. Here is a place where we can all share whether we can fly a plane in real life if something were to happen to the pilots. For example, say you were at cruising altitude somewhere over the Atlantic and you heard that the pilots are somehow incapable of flying the plane, and they were asking people if they knew how to fly a plane, and you said yes. Once you get to the cockpit you have to descend and land the plane safely at somewhere like JFK with heavy traffic. Would you be able to? Would you butter the landing? (this is all just a WHAT IF question)
If the aircraft has auto land and I get some pilot assistance via ATC I could maybe. But you know, it would be a very stressful situation because you become responsible of all the souls onboard with you.
On Infinite Flight I can’t land without HUD and flight director so imagine IRL !
I don’t think any of us could land a real life plane with what we have now, I need to use the HUD to land, imagine if I tried to follow the instruments, most likely I and the others would even as a pile of debris and smoke on the ground.
i’m so used to tapping buttons for atc that i would under the stress probably be a bit overwhelmed to use my voice while trying to fly the aircraft but i think i could probably do it
I’m utterly convinced that I’d be able to do it.
With only IF experience ? NO.
You would not even know how to prepare the aircraft for an instrument approach, how to use the flight director etc.
With IRL flying in a small plane ? NO.
A captain once told me “When you’re in a small plane you can over correct and comeback as you wish, when flying an airliner, making corrections as in a small plane will just end y’all”
With only flight sim experience? No, but I should be capable enough to put the gear down, align the centreline with my HUD and stop the plane with a few small accidents. But anyone can land a Cirrus Jet (the autoland)
Maybe? Not from IF but I’ve learned some stuff from other sims. Definitely wouldn’t be able to hand fly it, but I feel like if I have a perfectly functioning A320 in perfect weather I might be able to set up an autoland?
But with just IF experience, unless you got REALLY lucky and somehow landed a visual there’s so much stuff that you wouldn’t have any idea how to do.
I may be able too, but the landing would be worse than Ryanair’s worst landing
Yeah I mean I don’t think the passengers are looking for a smooth landing after the real pilots are incapable of flying, I think that they just want to get on the ground in one piece, so rough landings will do it.