Wind Broken?

During my last 3 flights on the ES, the wind shown in the “winds aloft” page has not matched with the wind actually interacting with my aircraft. Right now I am flying east, and I am west of Mexico, and I should have a 120kt tailwind according to the wind barbs, and, however, my plane has an 80kt crosswind/tailwind. It has been broken for the last 3 days for me, which means my flight plans become redundant. Does anyone else have this issue, or is it just me? The wind first stopped matching the wind barbs when I disconnected from the server 3 days ago, and ever since I reconnected, real wind has not matched the barbs.
Device: iPhone 15
Operating system: iOS 18

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If you are over FL280 just close the app and use flight resume when opening IF again

It looks like this issue isn’t just me, it looks like all the servers have the wrong wind. Basically, the wind barbs show the correct forecasted wind for a location, but the wind in-game that interacts with aircraft is wrong. For example, say you’re flying over a location where the wind barbs show that you have a 100kt tailwind, your plane could be getting a 50kt tailwind, or a 70kt crosswind, or something like that. Not sure what has gone wrong but this issue seems to be affecting everyone.

It’s been mostly consistent for me. It is a new feature to IF so expect some bugs/issues

What I mean is that the wind barbs are correct, and keep updating, but the wind a plane gets is wrong. It seems to be some issue with the wind at different altitudes updating, it seems like it got stuck on a previous forecast. When I check the wind barbs vs other wind-tracking websites the barbs are correct, and the in-game wind is wrong.

Issue located, we have 2 systems for this:
Weather Worker

  • Downloads weather files
  • Processes the files into smaller files we can parse more easily
  • Uploads those files
  • Creates the weather pack file (highly optimized/compressed file for the live wind map in the app)
  • Updates a redis entry to tell the Weather API where the latest files are

Weather Service

  • Regularly downloads the weather files from the path specified in the redis entry
  • Serves user queries for high precision wind/temp values

The issue is on the redis entry update. For some reason it’s not happening and we’re getting winds from 3 days ago.

I’ll look into it. Sorry for the oversharing :)


Wow, thank you for the response Laura! Honestly happy to hear about how everything works here just because it is super interesting. Hope there’s a quick and easy fix to this, and thanks for all your work on Infinite Flight!


Fix is being deployed and weather is processing.


Thanks for this! Was wondering why the wind cut out over New York.