Why is the Dash 8 Q400 so hard to land?

Hahaha a drunk monkey hahahaha hmmm I personally love the Dash-8 (crash-8) hahaha but I suggest landing between 120-140 with flaps 15, I cut power to the engines as I’m approaching the piano keys, flare up a bit until I hear the landing gear touch down, nose down and let that sucker reverse, brake and use the runway as much as possible for a smooth landing.



Thank you all for the help! I’m actually landing it “ok” now. Still a C-, but everybody’s alive!

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When I first flew the Dash 8, I hated it. It feels really weird and it is very unique from any other aircrafts. The Dash 8 was difficult for me to fly at first! I even called the March update the “worst” update IF ever had because of the Dash 8. After I practiced flying the turboprop over and over, I love it! All I have to say is to keep practicing! Make sure you’re landing with Flaps 15 at a regular airport. Flaps 35 is for steeper approaches. I’m pretty sure you’ll like the Q400 :)

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lmao another shipment of coconuts arrives safely

Once you have practiced, you can finally open up that coconut.

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This is my favorite airplane to land. Especially in a strong crosswind. Don’t treat it or use the same logic as a jumbo. Flaps 15, speed 118, don’t go 0 throttle until touchdown. Hold the nose up and let the speed slow until it gently comes down.

Flaps 35 is only for London city essentially and other steel approaches.

Try to land slower I prefer 160 knots if you land quicker than 160 you will not be able to land :)

The problem isn’t the initial landing, it is once the nose gear slams to the ground. My advice is come in fast and low and don’t retard like you normally would, wait a little longer. Once the main gear touches down slowly lower the nose to the ground.

Dash-8 is actually a slower plane because it’s a turboprop. Planes with propellers are slower than jet powered planes. Slow down and it will be fine;)

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What’s funny is I feel the same just with the a320 family. It can be a real pain in my but, which is why I stick to the 737 😉. Also I agree about the dash 8 q400. Maybe if they added APPR to it it would we better. But also on the inside of the cockpit it says “this aircraft is not equipped for steep approach”. Maybe that’s the issue or something, idk…

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The Dash 8. Guess I’ll need to Dash 8 times to get you Properly ready to fly this Plain.
A wise roach once told me, “Bulba the Dash is hard to master but easy to fly, all you need to do is have basic knowledge of flying and wing it. It is different from the jetties with it being able to still fly at slower speeds.” Remember that and you’ll sure learn it on the fly.


What, for me it is by far the easiest plane to fly. If you are stalling, remember to put flaps on 15, 35 is for steep approaches.

I think that was my problem. After reading all the post and looking at some “google” information I found, 15 flaps definitely. I’m doing much better with it now. I still wouldn’t ride in the back with me flying it yet though!


Good to know! I always put mine at 35, thx for the advice! 👍

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