I have recently flown the 777-300ER from Dubai to the Seychelles, and even though the cruising altitude was just 32 000ft and the load was 50% (airspeed 260 knots), the aircraft was tilting a bit upwards. Is this normal? Even the B737Max does this.
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It’s normal for a plane to be pitched up a couple of degrees or so in cruise.
The angle of attack of the wings stays slightly above 0° during cruise to keep lift and maintain the altitude
Welcome to the community @alexandrosz_g !
As said by others, the tilt, or AOA (angle of attack) is normal, and in fact necessary for flight to some variable degree (depending on how much speed, weight, and air density)
The force of lift that opposes weight to keep the aircraft up, comes from curving the air flow.
The fixed curvature of the wing provides only part of the lift curvature while the tilt provides the rest.
Because you need to “coax” the exact amount of lift from the wing’s fixed curvature for the current weight, flight operations wouldn’t be practical without the variable curvature adjustment from tilt (AOA).