Who’s excited to see the new game changer!?

Did any of you hear about the new game changer on emirates 777? The first class is insane! I want to go on it so bad. I’ve experienced business class on the A380 to DXB from JFK and it was an outstanding experience. Can’t wait for the game changer! Who wants to come with me on this journey?! Hahhaa


I have not heard of it, but your excitement clearly demonstrates how amazing it is, and I’m pretty sure everyone wants to join you haha

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Hahaha let’s start saving up

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Good luck. A one-way ticket won’t cover you if you want to go back home😂

True, let’s hope there’s enough room in the gear enclosure 😉


I wonder if this will be placed on their current A380’s or the new ones expected to arrive in 2020

Save for me too! 😂 Looks amazing!

Same! I really don’t know why they don’t have them on the A380s, it would make more sense if they did.

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Yeah it really would or they might even make it better for the A380! Like bigger! But who knows all we have to do is wait and see

Is this topic a duplicate?

You can find out more about their new first class above. :)

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