Who actually uses IF assistant?


I was wondering who uses IF assistant because I’m thinking on buying it but I wanna hear from other people what it’s like before buying it

Hey, I use IF assistant, I think it is really helpful. However you do need to pay $8 for every little pack such as PA system and copilot commands and things like that. I would say it is worth it because it is!

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Thanks for your help

I use it every time I fly, I’m also using infinite pax to
Which gives you boarding music and such like, bot of a gimmick but it’s still worth it in my opinion while your setting up for your flight, and also gives you really safety briefing commentary to


Thank you for the help

I always use it and it easily is the best add-on for IF there is. It’s awesome


It does keep disconnecting tho, I have to relaunch it every time after an hour of flying.