Which virtual airline should I join?

Hello again IFC!
I’m thinking of joining a virtual airline, I’ve narrowed it down to either Air Canada Virtual, or WestJet virtual. Which one should I do?[poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]

  • Air Canada Virtual
  • WestJet Virtual
  • Other (Suggest in comments)

Air Canada Virtual. They have more aircraft choice, more international routes, and a level system.

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May or may not be biased but… @ITAVirtualAirways is great 😉

We got great codeshares, aircraft and routes

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It’s depend what are you looking for when joining a VA (Event ? Group Flight ? Route diversity ?).

I may suggest to join (in my opinion) the best VA in Infinite Flight.


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I am for surrreeeee not biased but @IAGVirtual is one of the best out there

GAF it teaches u to love your aircraft, and listen to people
edit: F16 is the best

It honestly is up to you, what your favorite airline is, or whatever. Choose wisely though!

My advice is partly as has been said above, pick an airline you like.

But also, pick one that has a good fleet rank system too. Gives you goals to work towards.

For example, if you pick a low-cost short haul carrier, you may only ever get the A320 or 737 to fly…

But something like a national carrier, will have everything from short haul, to medium to long haul.

If you look on the IFVARB website, they have links to all the VA websites which have that kind of detail on 👍👍.

One common feature of all VAs is there will never be a shortage of people willing to give you advice/ help you along! Most will require Expert Server access, but that really doesn’t take too long to get to 😊.

Also, it doesn’t say anywhere that you can’t be part of more than one.

You just need to meet the individual minimum activity for each. Most VAs it is 1 flight within every rolling 28/30 days… so you can easily be part of several VAs.

Hello @Mrniceguy73110,

I would suggest you to go through

I think you should join @QatariVirtual

It’s your choice on which one to join. @IcelandicVirtual is a good one tho

Thank you all for your suggestions, but another question I have is what am I getting myself into if I do join a VA? Can somebody just describe to me what it is?

You are getting yourself into effectively a smaller community of people with a passion for the game.

Just join one and see how you get on, if it isn’t for you then there’s no obligation to stay 😊.

Depending on what you or how i should say you like to fly, i like cargo, i fly for FDXV it is truly the best VA in my book, truly stupendous group of people, great staff, and pleanty to do! if thats what you are into come over and join!