JAL 100% lol. But I actually like ANA’s livery too
ANA!!! I like all the cool liverys on the 777s and 787s. For example the Star Wars, Pokemon liverys
ANA! I did a commercial for them years ago!
I don’t know, both liveries don’t really give me a good taste. Prefer the ANA livery but still not as great as some colourful European livery designs. EG. Aer Lingus Irish rugby team livery, Wizzair, Easyjet, KLM
all nippon 100%
Which ever gets me from point A to point B most efficiently and cost effective.
Well what are we talking about?
If it’s liveries, I prefer ANA a little more (no reasoning, its just JAL is too plain. I have been on both airlines and I like ANA more, idk why, it’s just a better vibe but JAL did give me 3 free model airplanes.
Looks like I’m the only one to support JAL in terms of livery😭😭😭
I’ve flown on both many times, especially JAL. I love flying on JAL. It’s been too long since flying on ANA for an updated comparison, but I have memories of being very well treated on ANA compared to some other airlines.
But, as for livery. It has to be JAL:
“The JAL Tsuru logo features a stylized Japanese crane, symbolizing good fortune, longevity, and happiness. Introduced in 1959, this emblem represents Japan Airlines’ commitment to quality service and its rich cultural heritage.”
I’ve never flown either but from a livery standpoint ANA’s is way better and they have a bunch of special ones too.
Comparing JAL and ANA’s special liveries, I agree ANA’s are more creative and far more interesting (IF’s A380’s etc.). I can’t find a JAL special livery that I like. (still really like the crane though)
ANA for the win :)
If it was an ANA 777 and a JAL A359, definitely JAL. Considering ANA doesn’t fly any widebody
Airbus aircraft: JAL.
I don’t think the 777, 767, 787 or A380 is a narrowbody
I like Both to be honest
I have no idea since I’ve never flown on them before….
So I’ll choose both :)
I love both their Liveries, But I’m going to go with ANA as they operate the DH8D!