Where do we find the winds?

So where do we find these mythical winds boasted about on the new update? Can’t see any winds on the maps. The description in the update doesn’t really explain how they work, either. Any clues?

quickest YouTube search of my life

In the map, there’s a button called “winds” and you just slide that up to the altitude you need to see and read the barbs on the screen

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If you weren’t so quick you might read my question more carefully and explain to me where in the maps you find the winds. Please provide a screenshot or something because I certainly can’t see “button called winds”.

When you open the map, press that gear icon and at the bottom it says “Winds Aloft”. Select it.
I hope that was your question.

Thank you - got it!

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There’s no need to be argumentative.

Winds on the map are only available on Multiplayer servers - so first, ensure you’ve started a flight on Casual, Training or Expert. Reason being, the Multiplayer servers are the ones that use real-life weather data, whereas in Solo mode, you can just set whatever weather conditions you’d like.

Secondly, open the map, then tap the buttons marked as 1. and 2. in the screenshot I’ve provided below.

After that, the button marked as 3. will appear. By default, the winds are set to automatically be displayed for the closest available altitude to your aircraft’s current altitude. If you’d like to see the winds for a particular altitude, simply tap and slide up to the desired altitude.

Hope you enjoy this new addition to the simulator!

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I don’t understand, what do you mean “post deleted by author”?

“post deleted by author” seems pretty clear to me lol

Well I am the author and I haven’t deleted anything, so it’s not clear to me lol

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm so I can’t match the energy properly 💀

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It is not sarcasm, everything I have said is 100% genuine, and how you expend your energy is entirely up to you.

I still don’t understand why you wrote “post deleted by author” - can you please explain?

He deleted his post.

Who deleted his post?

He deleted his own post… the author of the post is @SWAviator, not you. You’re the author/creator of the topic.

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But I’m the creator of the post, aren’t I? I’m the one who put up the post “Where do we find the winds?”
I’m so confused!

@SWAviator made a post, which he deleted. He’s the author so it then marked his post as “post deleted by author”.

You created a topic, he created a post onto your topic which he then deleted.

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Oh, does he mean he deleted one of his comments on my post?

Ye bc u created the topic and @SWAviator deleted his own post on your topic