Where can i report an ATC in expert

Hi, May i ask where can i report an unnecessary ATC in Infinite Flight Expert server because mostly of my Pilot journey theres alot of ATC’s that are sending unnecessary command or instructions. Like Jonas Pajar an ATC here in the Philippines at RPLL. Earlier i flown from Davao to Manila (RPMD-RPLL) callsign Philippine Airlines 465PR, when i was approaching and i see that i cant make the landing i announce an miss approach, Then the ATC which is Tower say’s that the airport cant accept arriving traffic due to heavy traffic, There’s like 3 traffic only in the airport!, I say this is already unnecessary then gave me an instruction to divert but i dont want to divert without any valid reasons!. I requested multiple times that i was inbound then he accepted me to go to runway 06 after that i was now on final i kept reporting that i was on final didn’t respond but he responded to other traffic that is behind me that is approaching he cleared them to land, But me on final still no clearance for landing, i kept reporting that im on final until i land without clearance then he says “please follow atc instructions or you would be reported” then i just disconnected because this is just unbelievable and this is an sign of a bullying because i know this guy part of also an group here in Infinite Flight and I’m a member… Please anyone can help me thank you!

Of course there may be mistakes like this.You remember IFATC as far as I can see. You can contact him via IFC.

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Hello. You can PM your controller for reasoning behind this, or the @appeals team to appeal a level 2 or 3 violation. There is no reason to report position repeatedly, it can clog up the frequency.


Hey @XplayAviationFlying,

In addition, check out the article linked below:

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Thanks you!