When trying to be ATC in playground, shows an empty slot, but when clicked, it it says I’m an observer, and someone else is being a controller!
Please search the forums for an asnwer, as this has been discussed countless times.
Let me sum it up. There is a controller, but it’s not refreshed so you can’t see it. Try a different airport/region.
Please lock it @Aernout.
It’s a very slim chance of getting ATC or not. Try another Airport.
@Maxim, try tagging more than one mod to help close the topic.
Please close this topic! :)
I saw that he was on so I thought he would be able to lock it.
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It’s a timing issue.
Sometimes a controller is active since a couple of minutes, but the slot is still shown open. It became worse with the last update.
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Oh boy, I dearly missed these questions, Hope I’m not dreaming :)
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