What's your most recent "whoopsies" moment in Infinite Flight?

I’m going to speak for all of us when I say that we love flying. I’m also going to assume that a good portion, if not most, of our users either aspire to be or currently are pilots, privately or professionally. We work hard to get things right, to be realistic, to make Infinite Flights as immersive and amazing as it possibly can be.

But we all make mistakes.

Even the most seasoned IF pilots will forget to retract their gear every now and again. Trust me, I’ve seen it. And whether you crashed on takeoff or taxied through someone’s tail or anything in between, I want to know what your most recent whoopsies moment was.

I’ll start. While landing in KSFO the other day, I made the terrible mistake of… Not extending the gear. Gasp!


Don’t worry, even @Dan has been there!


Trying to land a United 77W while my mom was driving and having a guy cut her off so it sent me into the terminal at SFO on expert this morning.


That’s good to know 😭 at the very least I’m not alone and I’m never doing that again

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and did you yet a warning?

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KSFO wasn’t controlled today lol

That would be today when I almost flew into KLAX departure line while flying the beaches in a CC19

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Forgetting to change the callsign😭
This happens so many times its getting annoying

not great being an air canada plane with a ryanair callsign


Fell asleep with VNAV on because i thought i could wake up in 5min and never did


That Happens to me least a couple times🥲

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You’re not alone!!

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I accidentally turned off autopilot while on the cruise. I’m stalling in this picture


I forgot to decrease my speed below 10000ft and my VNAV was descending to fast😭
(I couldn’t get below 280😭)

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Taking off a UAL 777 at SFO in the car, we accelerated and I stalled out, I luckily recovered.

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Probably when I accidentally tapped the rudder slider during cruise and it put in a full left rudder input which made the plane shake a lot


I landed on the wrong runway in Mexico City today and got slapped with a violation. Gotta be my biggest blunder in my 8ish years of flying


Mine is extending full flaps on the a321 (i do it all the time)

getting to TOD and realising the seatbelts have been on the entire flight

sorry virtual passengers…


All the best people do that. They even make it their profile picture 😉


Failing to remember that FAOR is higher than a lot of airports and not using enough power to get a heavy 777 off the ground resulting in several seconds of the nose being raised but the main gear still on the runway ha