I kinda like the dc-10 it has an amazing range
Hear me out A318
I heard you out, my least favorite too, hardly anyone uses it unless for a private jet flight.
No way! I won’t let anyone hate my baby bus!
The 717 is fun to fly climbs like a rocket & always love a firm landing sometimes.
A350, I love this aircraft and the fact that it’s recent
i’ll receive criticism for this lol
The B777-300ER because it’s so so sensitive to rudder inputs while taxiing
C130. Trying to taxi with that aircraft is horrible
Stop taxing so fast lol
My prediction was right 😅
This☝️ this is why i dont do long hauls with the 747 fleet
B717 for sure, in real life it barely operates anymore and I like to do realistic flights so it really doesnt serve a purpose for me in the game so thats the plane I like the least
Use flaps 10 during cruise, it helps a ton. (Ik it’s unrealistic, but you won’t be dropping out of the sky mid-flight).
Are we talking for environmental reasons, because if so, A380. The Military fleet (except for the Rhino) needs some TLC.
The A-10 is probably my least favorite aircraft in the game because it’s so hard to fly…
I’d say the 757 is easily the hardest to fly as it’s so sensitive & powerful.
RB211 engines go Brrrrrrrr
I usually keep them at 10 as you say but still the plane drinks fuel so fast its crazy