What you call Disconnection

We have looked all through this topic, and I can’t find a replay anywhere.

Please note a Replay is so we can watch your entire flight, not just screenshots

Yesterday I sent my replay at sharemyinfiniteflight

We can’t view what you did yesterday. We need a link to it, or upload it again.

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There’s a link with it on the final page, send that link to a moderator via PM or here for review.

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Di you receive it?

Not my entire flight the replay stopped when I was kicked out from the server

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You need a 10 digit code, or a link to the replay to access it.

Where do I get this code?

RJWXMYRAHP Do you talk about this code

Yep, that’s the one.

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When you share the replay. Go to the internet app you used to share this replay and see if you can find the website. Copy that link.

Or if not, either you’ll have to wait a week until you can access the Expert Server again or try to upload the replay file again.

Nevermind then lmao…

Why did you continue to speed up after getting the first one? Also M0.79 to M0.80 is not a realistic speed to climb at… you got the speed violations climbing not at cruise.

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That’s not good. I hope you can get thows away

It was indicating 0.78 not greater that is what i said

You exited the app a couple of times… I liked your taxi… and your take off was on the centerline perfectly.

You kept to throttle in and the Autospeed didn’t turn on. I believe that was your mistake.


You should climb at like 280knts IAS, not 350knts IAS. You were clearly over-speeding.

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What does it mean?

I think you were lucky as you got the violation warning way later than you should have.

Also the application was active at that time. You did exit the app for about 3 minutes though.

That’s not his airspeed, but ground speed. Known bug in the replay :)

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