Just want to know what you guys would suggest to do, i dont want to disobey ATC but i also dont want to ruin the immersion and run into someone, thanks for any help.
Typically if there is conflicting traffic, then ATC should know about it and stop any further conflict. However if ATC has told you to continue as filed and you do happen to find yourself in a conflict then your best option is to climb or descend a little bit so that there is enough space between you and the other user
Just do it or is Request necessary?
If your departing then you probably won’t need to (because you’re already climbing) but if you’re on approach into a busy airspace or an airport with approach frequency then you probably should request.
Thank you for this, i got in an incident like this and was too scared of getting accosted for doing something wrong that i just left so its good to know what to do in the future!
That makes sense
I was wondering the same thing