What takeoff pitches should I use for 777

I am flying a 777 over 75 percent fuel. I use 84 percent throttle. After I takeoff what degree pitch should I maintain, and then after I reach 1,000 feet, what pitch should I switch to? And at what speed should I retract my flaps?

I’d recommend checking out this topic! Has a lot of useful information.

Other than that, trial and error works best.

Have a good one 😆

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So basically I cruise at flaps 1

No? You cruise flaps up at the proper flight level and appropriate Mach speed (depending on if you’re above or below FL280)


Please use the guide for more tips!!!

So when do I put flaps up? At 1000 it says put flaps 1 and doesn’t mention flaps after until arrival. When do I put flaps up?

You put flaps up when you reach a fast enough speed that you can maintain without stalling. Just out of curiosity, do you know what flaps are for?

Retracting flaps to 1 should be the first step in retracting them fully, assuming it’s a Flaps 5 takeoff. Give it a few seconds to accelerate more (not beyond 255kts, which is the maximum speed for flaps 1 deployment) and retract them then.

Flaps that are deployed further than the lowest setting are treacted in steps and this is no different.

If you have determined your throttle setting, that’s one variable out of the way.

Next choose a speed, that’s a second variable out of the way.

Carefully adjust pitch to hold your chosen speed. By doing this, you can see for yourself what the proper pitch should be.

For flap retraction speed, I personally watch angle of attack. If it gets to very low single digits as I accelerate, I retract another notch.

In a real aircraft you will follow speed bands to determine flap deployment and retraction. But those are related to design of AoA limits balanced against maximum extension speeds due to limiting aerodynamic stress on aircraft structures.

So I watch rough AoA to approximate real life design considerations.

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And when do I see auto brakes off after takeoff?

Doesn’t really matter, they dont affect you in the air. Only reason to touch that button is if you want a different setting on landing and you can do that at any point during the flight.

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When do I turn them on before takeoff and before landing?

After takeoff I turn them off at around 2000 agl, and turn them on at 10000 agl

Definitely check out this topic on the autobrakes!


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