What should I do on this situation?

The flight was from RJTT to RJAA and the call sign was HL-0206.

I took off from RJTT (Haneda) and connected to Tokyo Approach to approach RJAA (Narita).

I requested visual approach to RJAA.

He gave me the vectors and I followed the instruction.

But he confused Haneda and Narita and vectored me to Haneda.

So, I requested approach to Narita again several times, but ATC still gave me the wrong direction.

When ATC gives me the wrong instructions, do I have to follow instructions anyway or can I ignore the ATC instructions?

I’m confused as it hasn’t been long since I started flying on the Expert Server.

Thank you

@0RE this is just my opinion. Never ignore ATC on expert server. Being the flight was so short I would have just left the session and p.m. the controller as to why they gave you those instructions

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I had a similar incident when I said “# miles from Birmingham requesting approach in Leicester” & the controller vectored me to Birmingham after hearing that word. Somehow we got there in the end.

Be careful about ignoring instructions. Of course if there was misunderstanding, you could appeal a violation, but ignoring what they ask you to do will definitely get you one 🫡


Thank you!

Thank you for advice :)

I would request to divert, even if you set everything correctly, and your diversion airport was your original airport.


From the pictures you sent it looks like you kept requesting 34L but the controller was vectoring you for 16L. Nothing seems to be wrong with that.

Follow the instruction and send a PM to the controller asking why.

Your best action anyways is to send a PM to the controller at that time. See the topic below.

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Although it is difficult to see in the photo, ATC gave heading instructions in the direction of RWY16 of RJTT.

Thank you for your advice :)