What plane should I choose to play to finish landing mission?

Hi guys, I am a Lv2 newbie. As u see, I need to complete 50 landings to become Lv3. Which plane should i use and which area has the most airports? Thankyou for any suggestions. ❛‿˂̵✧

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Hey! If you wanna grind landings you could fly at airports with long runways or parallel runways. I’ve put some rough guidelines in the tabs below. If you have any question, feel free to ask :)

P.S. Landings only count 30 seconds after another landing.

Parallel Runway Grind

Aicraft: F22, F18, F16, F14, etc.
Recommended Airports: EGLL, KVAD, KHND, KLSV, KSMF, VTBS, KLUF, etc.

Take off on one runway and immediately turn towards the opposite runway. Once touch down, take off again and repeat (turn towards opposite runway).

Long Runway Grind

Aircraft: XCub, C172, C208, SR22, TBM-930, etc.
Recommended Airports: KEDW, ZUBD, UWLL, ZURK, KDEN, etc.

Basically, take off on the runway and stay as slow as possible without stalling. Then, land on the same runway however many times.


My recommendation: TBM9 at KSFO :)
Just go up 50 feet, down 50 feet, (casual server )
Good luck!

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thankyou so much! Have a good day lol!

Really good advice thx! Enjoy ur time

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Hi, looking forward to seeing you on the Expert Server Skies! I hope you’ve read the manual and you know how to communicate/respond with/to ATC.

I have to say, grinding the grade levels without education/knowledge will result in violations.

If that’s not the case for you, you have nothing to worry about.


I completed this requirement with an F/A-18 at KEDW and an F-14 at KORD. Just tons of touch-and-goes to get the landing count up there.

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I agree, this situation may cause him a lot of violations.

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Thats what the training server is for. Learning from your mistakes is the best way to learn.

I know how to follow the instructions from atc and communicate with it lol

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But I don’t know one thing is how to Hovering in sky while wating for landing clearence

Okay good.

Hold? It doesn’t happen that often. But then again I don’t always fly into active airports. LOL. You’ll get the idea. You’ll get instructions for sure. And holds are in the manual.

I have already finish the landing times for lv3, finally can begin ny expert server advanture and join events that are crowded!

XCub at Denver Intl on the Casual Server. 100 landings per hour

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