What is the difference?

First time I seen this actually… Look at the approach for ILS how come one is different then the other (The dashes)

This is how it looks on my device (with Retina display):

Seems that it depends on the screen’s resolution.

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I have retina display as well… Oh well I guess it’s no big deal

Do you mean the red or white lines?

Uhm… I see, I’ve got the same resolution on my iPhone 6… Which has a “Retina HD” display!

Probably it’s the size which makes the difference.

Red = ILS approach, including a glideslope and localizer to guide you in on your final approach.

Gray = not really sure? There’s definitely no ILS, but maybe a glideslope.

Basically you can request an ILS approach to red “cones” but not gray ones.

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Gray / white = GPS.


No not that… Both red ILS are different… One is Dashed while the other one is straight.

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Look at Laurens’s picture from above. The app is aliasing, so what should be 2 straight lines is showing up as several dashed lines. The difference will disappear when you turn on anti-aliasing.

the gray lines are GPS approaches ;) and maybe just visuals

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