What if infinite flight had live and interactive cockpits in all the planes?

What would be your reaction ? What will it result ? And what would be the condition of your device 😤

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Would be awesome… My device wouldn’t think so. Condition would probably be on fire.


All planes will eventually have live cockpits, so we’ll see then. As for interactive cockpits, that’s a whole other question.

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My phone will explode


In that case the first thing I need to do is change my device 😄and it will be awesome.

My iPad would definitely overheat

Tbh! When I played X-Plane 10 and did teat iut the interactive cockpits I kind of liked in the first but afterwards i got this thought that if it gets implemented in IF then it would be a bit chaotic considering the dynamic scale of the simulator! I mean zoom and press buttons and put sown gear handles while controlling speed, altitudes, headings, handling ATC commands and etc. I think the current solutions with ONLY live cockpits is the best!

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My use of profanity would likely take flight because my clumsy fingers and my mobile device screen size would be awkward dance partners.

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wouldn’t an interactive cockpit make it difficult to have to pan and touch things precisely while trying to control your plane? already having this problem on Aerofly FS… which is why I spend more time on IF because I can focus on the flying part more than the systems.

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