What got you into IF?

I found out about IF through a friend back in high school… I want to say back in 2013/14, not sure on the exact year but it was around that time. I’ve always been obsessed with aviation since childhood, so I remember one day after school seeing him on it. I remember he was flying a Southwest 737 to be exact and I remember saying to myself, “oh wow… I’ve played many flight games but this is the first I’m seeing one that offers real airlines and aircraft designed to the T.” I asked him about it, watched as he flew and landed. then the rest became history.

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My friend told me to install it

It wasn’t free then

Mostly of the videos on YT, it saw pretty cool and i tested it out.


I like Microsoft Flight Simulator but my PC isn’t capable, decided to search for a mobile alternative, IF came up top.
And I never tried getting a better PC again. Lol


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Welcome to the community!

It all started when I was a young child on a Southwest Airlines plane. I would stare out the windows of KMDW and say “Airmane” (I was like 2) and eventually I decided I really liked airplanes. Found IF on App Store and got it. Now here we are :)

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Same here!

So I was into aviation since my childhood and back in 2014 when I was 13 y/o kid I found this ultra real plane simulator on black market on android. It was infinite flight when it used to be paid app on playstore. So I downloaded it and started playing…

Down the line in 2016 I got Infinite Flight from my pocket money on my iPad. Then I got to know it had in-app purchases and that not all planes and airports were unlocked but I was still very very happy and excited to fly and I loved engine sounds and unicom.

Purchased my IF sub in 2020 when they started releasing B777 Family models and also when I decided that I’ll become a real pilot one day (although it was childhood dream when I first went on Jet Airways Boeing 737-200 when I was 5 y/o) and rest is history.

Here I am an FAA Commercial Pilot with Instrument rating, and I’ll never forget my sidekick that Infinite Flight has been…still loving it as I plan of going back to states to become a CFI / CFII after I do my license conversion in India. So IF has always helped with VORs, ILS, RNAV, traffic patterns, cross countries, and thanks to satellite imagery I could also do lost procedures, eights on pylons, engine failures etc…can’t thank IF enough.


Back in 2013/14 I was discussing mobile racing games with a senior at school and complained to him that unfortunately there’s no high quality plane game. He mentioned IF, and here I am…

I want to have an realistic flight sim for my mobile divice back in 2014. Flew very many times from WSSS to WMKK on the Singapore Map! ✈️

This video brought me here

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