What are Va’s

Hello I am curious in which what are Va and what purpose they server or what they do

A VA is a virtual airline, if you join them you will be able to get XP multipliers, and the pride of flying with them

VAs are virtual airlines. Basically they are virtual representations of real airlines such as Southwest (SWVA). If you have any other questions more than happy to answer them!


VA(S) are virtual airlines, usually representing a real life airline. I used to fly for SASV, and had a great time. They’re a great way to meet people.

Here’s the category

Yes but only of you fly a certain amount of hours with them, or on events. The VA would specify this

I didn’t know, thank you.

You’re welcome

@Cwaker information isn’t correct, you may get a hour bonus for the VAs PIREPs, but not actually in Infinite Flight.


How do I join one and does it have any specifications or requirements

@THEFLYER, If you have a favorite airline and would like to see if there is a virtual airline (VA) for it, you can search the IFC to see if there is a thread. If there is, the thread will include a link to the application process and everything you need to know about that VA.

Each virtual airline has its own set of requirements, which vary depending on the one you join. However, some of the most common requirements include:

  • A minimum grade of 3
  • Not being on the IFVARB blacklist
  • Being at least 13 years of age
  • Having an IFC account in good standing
  • Having access to Discord
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