What about Infinite Flight made you say: "Yup, this is the simulator I'm going to stick with"?

So the title basically says it all. With the spectrum of flight sims available right now, what about IF made you say, I’m sticking with this one? Very curious. For me honestly, it’s the community and the realism in procedures.


Actually, I’m not interested in PC simulators, because I don’t want to be a pilot, and I also need a lot more money and time to buy devices and set them up. despite all my shortcomings, I really love infinite flight and believe in the bright future of the project, after all, not one simulator does not have such a community as here.


It’s simplicity and the fact I can play on a phone/tablet. I’m gone from my house a lot, so I don’t have a ton of options. Also love the atc and the online aspect.


The juxtaposition of having a quite simple but yet a complicated game/sim. The aircraft controls are very intuititve, just like the procedures. But somehow this sim offers much more than I’ve ever seen in an mobile game.
The ATC feature is such fleshed out and deep that it requires lots of knowledge. You can learn more from aviation in a broad sense in IF than any other game.

And… It’s very accesible + one of the best of not the best community ever!

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Ease of entry and overall interface. After a few flights it was easy to understand the menus and functions, and I think this ‘ease’ keeps people in. I’ve hired developers and various consultants to build numerous platforms from the ground up - first impression is king. The UI and simplicity sells, at least for me.

Said it before as well that the unique selling point of IF is the community and definitely the IFATCs, mods and the engagement IF LLC brings to the community.

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