Weird online landing thing

When I watch another guy land he just goes straight through the ground does this happen to anyone else or is it just be please help!

This is related to how other players load on your device. The closer you are to another pilot, the more detailed their aircraft will behave.

If you were far from the player you were spectating it is a ‘normal’ thing for them to sink a bit into the ground. To avoid this, I’d recommend getting closer to the touchdown zone to get a better view at your colleagues’ landings.

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This depends on few things.

  • Currently the position calculations for other aircraft is based on your aircrafts position, and the further away you are from your aircraft with the camera - the more distorted watching anyone else will be as we do less position calculations the further away they are from you.
  • It can look even worse if the landing of the one you’re spectating, is a bit on the rougher side of things.

We hope to improve this moving forward by improving the way we do position calculations. But for now, this is the reason. You can minimize the visual impact of this by moving your aircraft closer to the point you’re spectating from though.