Weather missed at OJAI

Hello aviators.
Each time i want to fly to OJAI, i get no weather information specially on arrival not on departure. This sometimes ruins the flight and makes you land in unrealistic and unreal weather conditions. Currently I’m planning to fly there but there’s no weather forecast… Last time i landed in 30 knots nearly crosswind which wasn’t the real weather (the real one was calm winds and clear sky). The problem also doesn’t always correct itself at the head of an hour which the weather update takes place. Any interpretation of this constant problem?

As far as I know IF gets their weather info from a specific source (or multiple sources) which isn’t able to retrieve the weather data for some parts of the world (a cause could be that the data is not able to be published due to technical problems or it’s not allowed to be published). I’m not familiar with the system but I’d assume the alternate source of weather is something like other nearby airports. Anyone correct me if I’m wrong.

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Unfortunately this is constant and rarely you find the correct weather forecast on arrival. Arrival to this airport is always unrealistic in the context of weather conditions… Hope this be fixed

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