Weather issues in flight

Hey, so I’m flying across the pacific ocean right now, and the weather is being funny as I write this. I went from a 180kts tailwind to 0kts in a span of a few seconds, and then back up to 180kts tailwind.

Almost got speed violations, almost stalled.

Not sure If that’s just only from my side, but I’ve seen other pilots nearby having the same problems. Expert server.


This is how’s looking from my side. It’s 0kts right now.

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Same issue on my side.

Luckily I was looking at the screen so I could maneuver myself back into position…

I’m experiencing these issues too. The Winds Aloft data on the map and the weather my aircraft is experiencing are drastically different.

I’m over the Atlantic Ocean, along the eastern coast of North America, where Winds Aloft data states I should be experiencing ~120kts of wind. I too am experiencing 0kts of wind.