Virtual Airlines (VAs)

Does someone has any information if VAs (United, American, Delta) are still online?

I’m trying to apply for them but it seems no one replies me. I’ve tried reaching up the CEOs but didn’t have success.

And if someone tries to apply for a VA and doesn’t has response, what’s do u guys do? What’s should I do?

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You can see whether the VAs you listed are still active on the official website of IFVARB. You can also find out the CEOs of the VAs there, ask them questions and find out what stage your application is at.

IFVARB WebSite :

Thanks mate. I looked at IFVARB tho. They are active. Already tried contact with the CEOs but no success… I hope they see my messages…

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No Worries,Good Luck!

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When did you apply? Did you apply via their official channels? Sometimes they will reply within a few days after a pilot application is submitted.
Up to one week is not unheard of. Just be patient and check again after one week. Otherwise that’s a poor showing from the VA’s and perhaps you should look elsewhere.

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Yeah I did check on official channels. I’ll wait for any response. Thanks mate