Violation issues

Hey everyone,
I got a level 2 violation today and it was my fault, but I had something really important I needed to do in that moment and I forgot to switch on parking brakes and I got a level 2 violation, the atc was being completely arrogant and was just mucking around so it was all so confusing ( he said stuff like taxi now when I haven’t even asked anything and said check atis when nothing was there and left me waiting for a answer for at least 30 minutes and said hold position when there was no-one near by! ) but I do acknowledge that I forgot to do my part and I messed up and that this is a professional thing where people actually want to train like me but I was just wondering if it was ok if I could get the violation removed and of people could give opinions and advice please, if not it’s all good but I really don’t want to be off expert for a year when the atc was mucking around. All good if I can’t but please leave advice, thanks for everything guys and thanks for replying and your help

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Ps this was a taxi violation

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Hey there - see this link:


Receiving a violation can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that Air Traffic Control (ATC) is not being “arrogant.” They are highly trained professionals who must adhere to strict real-world procedures. Taxiing without clearance poses a significant risk and, therefore, ATC was simply fulfilling their duties. I have also received violations for “taxiing through others” due to my negligence, such as not paying attention to my device and failing to activate my brakes. I understand your frustration in such situations.

My recommendation is to share your replay with the appeals team @appeals and provide a concise summary of the events that transpired. While it’s possible that they may deny your appeal since you were at fault, it’s important to note that their decisions are final. However, the appeals team can occasionally offer some courtesies and may be able to remove the violation. However, it’s crucial to understand that this is not guaranteed, and the decision is made on a case-by-case basis. II hope this helps! Good luck!


Oh yea there great, but this guy was just being silly like sending multiple duplicate messages to all aircraft and stuff like that 🤣

Thanks so much have a good day 😁🙏

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I understand. I’ve been in situations for ATC were giving confusing instructions while I was simply at a standstill on the ground. Anyway, you’re very welcome and enjoy the rest of your day!

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do you asked the runway mention in the atis or taxing on your fpl runway?

If this happens, please reach out on IFC and send us a message ❤️. Any IFATC would be more than happy to explain what was going on!

Whilst we do have a lot of commands, there are only so many and they don’t fit every situation!


true though

Thanks so much I got it all sorted out, turns out atc said the wrong thing by accident but they immediately told me and got the violation taken off 🙏


I know for OP at the heat of the moment you were probably upset, as we all will be when hit with a violation, but it would be best not to accuse the controller of being ‘arrogant’ or ‘mucking about’. IFATCs that I’ve encountered have been extremely courteous (and some younger than you think), so all it takes is just a personal message - in a courteous manner. For next time 😉. Glad it worked out for you!

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