Bumping this thread! Sign ups still available, please come down and participate in this aviation spectacle!!
Farnborough Flyday
Welcome back to Farnborough Flyday!
This week it is my pleasure to announce that @UPSVirtual will be participating in the flying display on the Friday with a 747-8 flypast!
Many thanks to UPS for sending this, will be a great spectacle!
Finally just an update on future participation, I am currently in negotiations with multiple VA’s and participants about taking part, so hopefully watch this space!
Have a nice weekend!
Event bump! Plenty of slots still available
Event bump! Attendees needed. Plenty of space and slots available for participants
Farnborough Flyday
Welcome back to Farnborough Flyday!
This week it is my pleasure to announce that @lhr_pilot will be participating in the flying display on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday with an F18 demo based on the real Qatari Air Force F15QA demo!
Many thanks to @lhr_pilot for sending this, will be a great spectacle!
Finally just an update on future participation, I am currently in negotiations with multiple VA’s and participants about taking part, so hopefully watch this space!
Please don’t hesitate to sign up
Have a nice weekend!
Farnborough Flyday
Welcome back to Farnborough Flyday!
Firstly I’m delighted to announce the participation of @GLOBAL_AIRFORCE with 2 display acts on Monday with an F16 Duo display and an F18 solo display!
Secondly I’m delighted to announce the proviional static participation of @VirginVirtualGroup23 with an A330neo on Static display (Dates are to be finalised).
Many thanks to these participants!
Finally just an update on future participation, I am currently in negotiations with multiple VA’s and participants about taking part, so hopefully watch this space!
Please don’t hesitate to sign up
Sunday the 4th August 14:30 Norse VA 787-9
Nice choice of plane! The slots are 20 minutes each so can offer you 1420Z or 1440Z. Either of those ok for you?
Let me bring the NASA here :). Can i have the Friday 1120Z slot , will fly the NASA
747 SCA. Thanks by advance. I’ll be doing low passes and steep climb descent to proof the magical engineering behind this bird.
Wow! Great choice of aircraft. All signed up, look out for the Farnborough Flyday aircraft update on here Friday as you’ll be featured!
Yeah i know ,thanks 👍🏻
@morgan99 , unfortunately today’s my last day here on the IFC and in IF. I will not be able to join the event, i’m sorry man.
Thank you for understanding
Farnborough Flyday
Welcome back to Farnborough Flyday!
This week it is my pleasure to announce that there will be a TBM 930 display on the weekend of the show. This will be a display pushing the boundaries of the TBM 930 to just within what is physically possible!
Next up it is my pleasure to announce that vFarnborough will be witnessing the Little and Large demo! I’ve been planning this for some time to make sure it’s feasible and delighted to confirm Fri-Sun a joint demo of a Cessna 172 and an A380! Yes you read that correct! Get down here and witness this!
Finally just an update on future participation, this will be the final Farnborough Flyday aircraft announcement however look out for last minute additions 👀
Please don’t hesitate to sign up
Have a nice weekend!
Aircraft Announcement
I will be flying a Dash 8 Q400 demo on the days Monday to Thursday.
It’s not to late to sign up, airshow starts this coming Monday!
This is a 2 part announcement:
Firstly there will be a KC10 on Static and performing flypasts on Monday - Thursday.
Secondly and most importantly I’m delighted to announce the attendance of @KoreanAirVirtual on Saturday 3rd August. I’m so grateful for their acceptance of the invitation and really looking forward to what they bring!
Everyone, there is still time to sign up!
Many thanks to @KoreanAirVirtual again
first day was awesome, its was fun being on the show circuit again. The Spit is just getting some TLC tonight ready for tomorrows display which is going to be more dynamic showing a little of what the little old warbird would have been capable of back in its heyday !!
Great display! Day one overall was issue free 🙌 next 6 days only going to get better!
Slots still available for remaining days!
Afraid to say I’m cancelling the rest of the show. This is due to lack of sign ups and sign ups that go complete ghost mode after signing up. This was most likely the last ever Air show on IFC I’m hosting and to be honest a little bit of a disaster😂, only silver lining was every participant that attended this week… I really appreciate every participant that has displayed, it means the world your support. So yeah hope everyone who participated enjoyed this week. Apologies. Everyone enjoy your weekend, hope our paths cross again.
Kindest regards and apologies
Tom (Morgan99)
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