Hi everyone! I’ve seen an increase in the amount of people flying the 737-800/900 on Live. Some of these people act like experts when they use flaps, others, not so much. This is a tutorial on how to correctly use flaps on the Boeing 737-800/900 aircraft.
Before reading this topic, I’d recommend reading through this tutorial on the 737-800/900, then coming back here for a more in depth explanation on flaps.
About the 737-800/900
The 737-800 is a short to medium haul aircraft made by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The 737-800 is in service with a ton of airlines world-wide. The main operators of the 737-800 are Ryanair, Southwest, and United. The 737-900 is a stretched version of the -800, with more capacity. It has the same MTOW weight, even though it is bigger.
Here you can easily see the flaps on the 737-800.
Flaps on the 737-800/900
There are 8 flap settings on the 737-800/900, with each having a different angle. These different angles allow the pilots to control how much lift the wings generate. Here are the angles below.
Flaps 1 - 8°
Flaps 2 - 11°
Flaps 5 - 14°
Flaps 10 - 19°
Flaps 15 - 22°
Flaps 25 - 26°
Flaps 30 - 35°
Flaps 40 - 46°
As you can see, each flap settings have varying angles which produce varying amounts of lift. But, how do you use these in the correct airspeed?
Flaps and Airspeeds
You use different amounts of flaps in different airspeeds. If you want more lift, you need more flaps, and vice versa. Here are the airspeeds in which each setting of flaps should be used to prevent damage, and maximize lift.
Flaps Up - 210KTS
Flaps 1 - 190KTS
Flaps 5 - 170KTS
Flaps 10 - 160KTS
Flaps 30 - 130KTS
Flaps 40 - 120KTS
Flaps 2, 15, and 25 are not normally used during flight hence why they are not on this list. Flaps 5, 15 and 25 are primarily used for takeoffs.
In adverse weather conditions, taxi with the wing flaps up and then set takeoff flaps during your Before Takeoff checklist procedure.
When extending or retracting the flaps, use the next appropriate flap setting depending on whether you’re slowing down or speeding up.
I hope you learned something new from this tutorial! I went as in depth as I could while still being simple. If you have any questions about the 737-800/900, just ask, I’d love to answer them. Thanks for reading this, and hopefully we can all become better pilots together!
Picture is mine, use with permission only.