United403's 3D Airport Tracking Thread

The way he incorporated lizzo to his post😆


Whens are first WIP of Salem??

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When my bison get back from their trip to Pluto


Are the bison enjoying Pluto? Also excellent work on the airport, one of the better editors I have seen.

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Are they there to determine if it’s a planet or not?

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Yes lol 🤣🤣

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Thread Announcement!!!
I’m very very excited to say that Lander, Sheridan, Henry’s Lake and Dubois have all been marked “Read for Release”, and will come in a future update/s! 🥳🥳

It is my assumption that some or all will come in 24.3 but that is simply a guess so please dont ask for a definitive answer because I won’t have one.


ArE tHeY cOmInG nExT uPdAtE?

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My app says 24.2 and they aren’t there

IK you meant 24.3 btw

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Typo of the century 🤦🤦🤦

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Amazing! HAPPY CAKE DAY @United403!!! 🎉🎂🎁🎈🎊

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Happy Cake Day, Mr. Wyoming Man!!

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Thread updates
It’s been quite a minute to say the least since I last posted here 😅. Here’s a few updates id like to share

Progress on Bountiful Sky Park has been slow but steady! Im about 70% completed with the west side of the airport, and expect to be done within 2 weeks or so! From there, it’s onto the east side which I expect to take another month! Hoping to have the airport 100% done by August 16th which is when I move down to Colorado for Collage!

Other then placing the runways, no work has been done on Salem. This airport will most likely not get completed until mid-fall as I have a very big workload the first semester of school with my Gen-ed classes, and my first 4 Air traffic control courses!

A new project for me! It is a pretty small Airport that serves Trenton NJ! It’s served by frontier to a handful of cities across the eastern U.S! Hoping to start working on it in the next week or so


Since swanky Jackson Hole is so expensive to land at, Driggs is the next best thing. I think Jet Link, Net Jets, World Charters & Denver Air fly in & out of Driggs. Cool place IRL!
Fun to go wander around the Teton’s in a 172!

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Very excited to see TTN being worked on, Hopefully we can get the Avelo B737 added just as SLE is finished!

@United403 keep up the good work!!👏🏻👏🏻

thread announcement
With the release of 24.3, brings Sheridan, lander, Henry’s Lake and Dubois ID!


Woo hoo! I’ll be sure to stop by and check them out. Maybe I’ll even hop between all of them on the C208. Fun fact: the C208 can hold the weight of 4 adult bison (probably a little less at such a high altitude).