Look I know the photos are out but they where leaked and United hasn’t confirmed it yet so it may be or it could be a conspiracy I think it might be true though
Unpopular opinion, but I’m clearing a vote for this, super sleek livery. I think this will move United’s brand image in the right direction.
That livery looks too blue to me. Much prefer the older livery. Miss the older logo.
Well United, have fun painting your 1023 aircrafts… you do got my vote.
It might be a while till we see this implemented in IF, but I’m looking forward to that
I have mixed feeling about this livery. But anyways, you have my vote!
They confirmed it, look at the linked tweet
You have ma vote
Ok thank you ✈️
So this is actually confirmed to be their new livery? So the post about the rumors a little while back
Ya, they confirmed it last night
Wow, can’t believe people leaked the new livery a day early. Spoils the excitement, but hey, it’s an Okay livery, just looks very odd without the gold strip and only seeing Grey and blue. I feel like Blue and Grey don’t go well for some reason.
Wow this is not bad at all! I dig it.
It looks good not great. I would like to see it but…in my brain-(um no where’s the delete button…go back!!!)
You have a screenshot of the confirmation?
The linked tweet is the official announcement, it is also now flying flights after the event in ORD
I literally thought it was the leaked images
Well in my opinion old things are old and new things are new. Airline liveries change with the time just like everything else,and doesn’t look as bad as I thought at first glance.
It is, since when I made the topic they had just anounced it, and that was the best photo avalabe, and I havent changed it since it’s a giid side profile of the plane