Hmmmm…Seems no one has mentioned the fact that all the Runways in IF are Completely flat and perfect. We all know that this is not the case IRL. Now that global flight is confirmed to be coming, I think now will be a great time to start this discussion. This would make IF amazing, and feel so realistic.
For Example: Leeds/Bradford Airport
How do the airplanes not crash ?
@SpiritA319, Check out some of the spotting people have done at this Airport. It truly is amazing how they land there lol.
Yes, it may be an extremely small detail, but I agree it’d be awesome to have it in game.
I found an awesome video here:
This would honestly provide a challenge for pilots, which in my opinion would make it awesome.
Although the terrain is realistic in the game, would be great to have the runways uneven too, instead of full flat.
Yea I really hope this doesn’t just get overlooked. It would be amazing.
as long as the runway itself is smooth, its aight
Great feature request!
Yes I have seen many spotting videos with runways like this. Would be so awesome and realistic!
That’s very cool, looks quite challenging!
would be an amazing feature!
If you’ve ever flown on X-Plane, they give you the option to have flat airport surface, or Uneven surfaces. Pretty cool feature.
Why would they crash?
The fact of the runway being uneven is not the challenge at Leeds. It’s the crosswinds created as the aircraft roll over the hills on either side on final.
Good post I’ve often thought of this
The uneven surface is an issue specifically for landing on 32. Have a look where the touchdown zone is and then have a look where the runway starts to start going down. It does mean that the emphasis is on getting the aircraft down firmly and early otherwise you may start to float since the runway starts to drop away.
Having said that you are right crosswinds have always been a problem as LBA.
All we have is field elevation, we have no feature that lets our airports blend into the terrain’s individual elevations :/