Hi all, Ive noticed that people can get quite confused about flaps on the simulator so I decided to create a small tutiorial.
#Understanding Flaps
Firstly there are so many aircraft with different approach charts and flap levels. I’ve noticed in the simulator that some aircraft have flaps 5-10-15 etc or 5%-15% etc. In this tutorial I will be explaining the flap levels in 5-10-15, its not hard to convert.
Whats the purpose of flaps?
The purpose of flaps is to give a lift at much slower speed. Not only is flaps used for takeoff, but also for landing since it can also help the aircraft maintain slower airspeeds without stall.
Where are the flaps located?
The flaps are located on the left and right wings, both front and back. The diagram below shows the wing of an A320/19/18. Other aircraft like a Cessna and smaller aircraft do not always have these features.
Before takeoff you must have you flap level set and ready to go, if you follow a checklist it should display the proper procedure to taxi. The recommended flap for takeoff is: Flaps 1, depending on your aircraft. By following the takeoff procedure you should perform a smooth takeoff. Taking off without flaps can lead to runing off the runways end, since it doesnt give the necessary lift for your aircraft or you don’t maintain a fast enough speed in time. The chart below will not only guide you through takeoff but show the necessary information about flaps on takeoff and after, (This diagram shows the proper procedure, some info may not be applicable:
From this part on, it really depends on your type of aircraft. Whatever the aircraft though, if its an A320, B737-800, B747 etc, there is always a chart to show when certain procedures should be applied. The following chart is for a perticular aircraft but gives you an idea of where and when flaps should be applied.
(Donated kindly by @ATK)
It is also very important to follow the correct speeds when appling flaps. It depends on your weight and blance as well, since it can affect your speed and how well you descend/ascend.
This is an example for a B737-700/800/900:
Hope this helps!
Cheers Oli H