Uncounted landings

Device: iPhone 14 Pro Max
Operating system: iOS 18.2

Hey guys,

in the last few days im experiencing some problems with the counting of my landings. Like every 3rd to 4th landing isn’t counting. I’m on the runway and also crossed threshold, so there’s no reason not to count it. So I’m missing around 5 landings on my rating board.

Anybody got the same issue?


Landings count if you

  1. Touch down (I believe it has to be the main gear first but I may be wrong)

  2. On a runway.

  3. At least thirty seconds apart.

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All 3 points are respected in my landings. You know, flying a long haul without getting the landing count is kinda frustrating 😅

Happened to me before when my connection was spotty and I didn’t notice that I was not connected (getting the orange cell signal icon instead of the green checkmark on the top right) upon landing. Bugged the heck out of me before I realized that it was the connection.

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That happened to me also earlier so I can tell, that’s also not the problem. 🥺

Again, no count. 😭😭😭

I was definitely connected to Expert Server.
Yes, it’s an early touch down. AP couldn’t get the alignment right in APPR mode, so I had to fly it by hand, but I’m definitely on the runway and behind the threshold. But again, no count for landing. 😫


Looking at your flights, it seems that the destination airport isn’t logged. Could mean a number of things though so without knowing more, it’s hard to tell what’s happening exactly.

Would it be possible for you to share the replay file with us?
Either via sharemyinfiniteflight.com or if you drop it in an email to us at [email protected]

Sure. Will do this asap. I fly always with SimBrief. As you know, there are sometimes incorrect waypoints. Could it be, that there’s an issue with the airports? Even if there stands e.g. MMMX as destination, it somehow isn’t logged right for some reason?

It shouldn’t be the reason, hopefully. I use SimBrief 99% of the time as well and don’t have this issue.

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Here’s the replay. Due to a necessary pause it’s just the final part, which shouldn’t be issue as well

Thank you!

Was this the most recent flight you did? Started at SCEL and went for MMMX?

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Yeah. Was my latest flight.

Could there be a pattern here - is it only flights that you’ve paused and then later resumed that could be displaying this behaviour?

Hi, we had an official training at MMMX, I did two landings, and only one got counted. I didn’t take a screenshot of my flight summary, and my internet was a bit unstable. (I’m 99% sure I was connected by the time I touched town, tho). So, if you need my replay for investigation, let me know.

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Cause of … well… life… I need to pause long flights almost every time. I guess I can send even more replays, if you need.

Is it possible, that a runway has a correct texture on which we try to land, but on the technical side, the runway somehow starts later “below the texture”? Can you control this somehow on our example here? Runway 5R for MMMX. This was my landing runway. Don’t know Jeppy’s runway

As per my experience

Even if any one wheel has touched the runway the landing gets counted,
And my landings get counted only once i cross 300-400 feet AGL and then come back and land on the runway. I used an xcub and made 3 consecutive landings on the same runway. Took off climbed to 400ft landed and repeated it till i ended up using the entire 12000ft runway.

Again this was my experience. Not a general rule.

Touchdown on any part of the runway also counts as a landing too. I have multiple times landed on the numbers and it has counted. Im guessing it is a glitch and the team should be able to rectify it

It’s not the runway here. It’s stretching almost the entire length of the tarmac.
I’m more inclined to what I mentioned earlier…
Because in your flight log, I only see the departure section. I don’t see the resumed part at all.

I need to investigate this a bit further.

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yeah, on my flight log there stands only an “N/V”. In the Replay section its correct

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