Unable to view replay

Device: REVVL 6x PRO 5G
Operating system: Android 14

I’m trying to view my most recent flight’s replay, but 1 second into it, the app crashes and closes. I’ve tried restarting my device and switching graphics to low, and I have plenty of storage, so I don’t know what the issue is. Also, problems related to the game crashing during replays only started yesterday. Before that, there were no problems.

Can I get some support for this please? It’s happened again today!


Sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues.
Which version of Infinite Flight are you running?
A hot fix has been released recently that might address this type crash.
Please make sure you’re on 24.3.3.

Thanks for the help, I just updated the game and I’m able to review the replay! Appreciate it! 👍

Actually, it’s happened again. Not for that replay, but for a flight I just recently did. When it gets close to landing the game crashes. I’m even using the lowest graphics possible…

I’m experiencing issues with my old replays in which engins’ sounds stuck to idle so you don’t hear the changes in thrust like in speed modification or spool up and takeoff… This is highly disappointing and disrupt the immersion of the replay. Any help in that? The app version is the latest one available at app store.

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