Issue 1: Just finished a flight into EWR. Airport was showing 3 active frequencies (ATIS,Ground,Tower). I was on guarded by New York Approach nearing the airport but was unable to see the frequency both in the ATC menu and in the airport information. I tuned into tower and got a handoff, however, to the wrong frequency which turned out to be JFK approach (also not displayed in the ATC menu nor JFK airport info). Got another handoff to Newark approach. Once on the approach frequency, the controllers name was not displayed, and the frequency still didn’t exist in the ATC menu. In total, I was unable to see JFK approach, EWR approach, and EWR departure which I only knew existed after hearing tower handoff a departure.
Issue 2: Once on EWR ground, I was unable to see/hear any radio calls. I did not get taxi instructions from ground nor heard anyone else request taxi or pushback. After parking at the gate, I remained on frequency in total silence (also no messages in ATC menu) for a few minutes. During that time, aircraft continued to taxi both to and from the active runways as well as pushback. (I’d like clarify it wasn’t just voice, it was all communications on ground that didn’t come through on my end)
I am using the same device and iOS version. I just had a similar incident. I was on approach into KIAH. There was Ground, Tower and ATIS shown when clicking on the airport. I received a “warning” that Approach was active and I was to tune to that. I couldn’t see it on the ATC menu or when clicking on the airport. I tuned to Tower hoping they could either direct me to Approach via “SEND & SWITCH” or clear me in. I was handed off but the “SEND & SWITCH” wasn’t shown. I received another “warning” message but was quickly reported and booted off the live server. I wish I took better screenshots but didn’t foresee it playing out the way it did. I finished the flight then took a screenshot when I landed (below)…possible that ground and tower dropped but nevertheless.
Second Issue…I’ve noticed the “fuel used” in the flight display banner on the bottom of the screen hasn’t been functioning properly. It looks like it doesn’t “start counting” until part way through the flight.
Note, I just updated the app (shows the hot fix was released yesterday). Hopefully that fixes these but I wanted to report them here too in case it helps the devs.