Unable to hear the ATC

I was just trying to land in the Tokyo airport in the today’s event, and I was unable to hear anything from the Approach control, what am I supposed to do? My network connection was proper, I could hear the other players but not the Controller, I have received a level 2 violation, what am I supposed to do? Also how to get this violation removed since it wasn’t my fault at all that I couldn’t hear the controller

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I’ve had exactly the same

Update the game and update Has came just do it okay……
Buy the way today I got level 3 violation because I was flying 737-900 without and flight plane and trying to tell atc that I want to land on runway 5 left are Taipei so that I could show my landing to everyone….

We pushed a hotfix for this late yesterday. Make sure you’ve updated with it.
In regards to the violation, contact @appeals and they’ll help you :)

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Okay I have already contacted thanks by the way why did you delete my messages….

Because they have nothing to do with this topic.

Okay …… thanks

I have contacted the controller too, is there a chance he could remove the violation?

The controller can’t. Hence Appeals.

Okay bro I understand you words 👍👍

That’s also happened to me

Please update to the latest hotfix version 24.3.4 if you haven’t already.

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Im already updated to the latest version, but it’s still happened to me the bug still there

Can you confirm what version are you using.

Version 24.3.4
Device xiaomi pad 6
Snapdragon 870

The Support team shall assist you further on this issue.

Thank you and there’s replay problem whenever i tap play button the game is always crashing


The replay issue is a separate thing that we’re working on. It’s known.
Regarding your ATC Communication issues - could you try using a different network source? If you’re on WiFi normally, try cellular and vice versa.
If you’re using a VPN, make sure to disable it.

My network is fine idk at the first there’s atc sound but at few minutes it’s gone I’ve try to change network it’s still the same, the only way i know to fix it “temporary” it’s by restart the game

So it’s just the speech that disappears? The text still comes through?