UN Week JFK Spotting [PT2]

@Anthony_Gulluscio summon

Hey everyone! This is part 2 of my UN Week JFK Spotting at the TWA Hotel. If you have any questions about TWA, I’ve stayed at/been to the hotel 7 times, so ask away!

Emirates A380 tail shot!

The Germans have arrived!

KLM 330!

Tell me what this little boy is. Apologies if this isn’t up to Spotting standards πŸ˜…

The littles

A320 goes wooosh

Thanks for looking at the pics! Let me know in the comments which your favorite is. I realized that I was so excited about most of the Military Aviation that I forgot to take photos πŸ˜…

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Sick!!! I remember when I stayed at the TWA hotel when I was 9, opened up my room window and there were the 5 A380s next to each other

Yesss!! So awesome.

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Looks like it’s an executive transport A319 for the Brazilian Air Force.


nice shots

Thank you!


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