Two years ago today, I created my IFC account. Since then, I’ve racked up tens of thousands of flight hours, over a million XP, participated in dozens of events, and met many amazing people along the way. I’d like to take a moment to give a shoutout to some of those people. This is not an exhaustive list, and I’m sorry I missed mentioning you!
A special thank you to the amazing VA’s I’ve been a part of, including @SunCountryVirtual@ITAVirtualAirways@IcelandicVirtual , Breeze Virtual (now defunct), and the virtual airline I’m currently working on setting up, Copa Virtual!
Happy cake day Sammy! It’s been a pleasure to get to know you over the last year. I enjoy hearing about the nature in Minnesota, the infrastructure of the Minneapolis Police Department, the kids at your school, your good/bad thing, and all the interesting things you have to say.
I can’t wait to meet you in real life this winter! Thanks for being such a nice friend.