Two Smoky FedEx 767 Landings @ KROC | June 2020

Hello IFC!

The star of the spotting show at ROC is undoubtedly the FedEx 767, being the only regularly scheduled heavy here. She flies in two or three times a day, which allows for a variety of different shots. Here are some I took over the last week of N173FE and N130FE.

Shot on D7500 + Tamron 100-400 VC

I caught N173FE on June 20th, arriving Runway 04 around ninety minutes before sunset. The rain clouds from earlier in the day presented a beautiful backdrop.

Here in Rochester we’re not exactly a spotter’s airport, but we have one pretty cool spot where you can get pretty close to the runway without the fence in the way, which leads to moments like these.

Looks like someone else was watching with me, which is interesting because the spotting community here is probably ten people.

I caught N130FE this morning, originally went out to grab United’s New Livery E175, but FedEx happened to be delayed. It arrived Runway 22 around two hours after sunrise. Sorry about the lighting situation, the way the sun is situated early in the morning here means 22 arrivals have weird lighting.

Today, the pilots decided to roll full length, which allowed me to grab this head-on shot.

Taxiing back up Alpha to the FedEx Ship Center here.

And of course, what would a spotting topic be without a signature closeup?

Thanks for viewing!


Nice pictures, and that smoky landing with that 763F looked a little rough. Also happy birthday/anniversary. @AndrewWu


Great pictures!!!

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Nice shots and happy birthday!

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Why does the 5th picture look a lot like @GlobalFlyer1’s profile picture? 🤔

Very cool how they both have the same angle lol
Either way great shots! I like the smoky tires from the second shot the most!

Also Happy B-Day @AndrewWu :P

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Nice pictures! I’ve got both of them at Memphis multiple times

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Thanks all!

Yeah, you’re right I didn’t even notice that. He has a more interesting backdrop though haha. Thank you!

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Woah those are next level!

(Also happy b day ;)

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Thank you!!

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Nice pictures Andrew!

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Great photos as always, Andrew 😊

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Nice photos! I absolutely love the close up of the wheels touching down 😍

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Great pics!

Happy birthday my CEO!

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Thank you guys!

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Those are quite smoky indeed. Great shots!

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Some awesome shots! I love the head on the most. Thank you very much for sharing!

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Beautiful photos!

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Fantastic photos! Nice & sharp. 🤩

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Super cool pictures! Really nice. Thanks for sharing!

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Except for that first touchdown shot aha

Thanks guys!