Turkmenistan Airlines Boeing 737-800

Bumping this it is needed with 3D airports in Turkmenistan


Bumping! Let’s vote! 2 Turkmen Airport is on its way! Let’s make them be served by the Turkmen 738!


hey when is next update

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As much s you would like to know I do also want to! Unfortunately the knowledge is within the hands of the Developer’s! Rest assured, it will come my friend! Patience is a virtue!😜

Bumping this up! With 23.1 in our phones and two new Turkmen Airports, why not bring this into the game! 🇹🇲🇹🇲

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Bumping into this! With Ashgabat soon nearing completion why not bring this beauty into the game? Ashgabat is a hub for Turkmenistan Airlines and the 738 is the perfect example of an aircraft to supplement a hub strategy! With more airports in Turkmenistan on its way, why not vote! 🇹🇲🇹🇲🇹🇲

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we need so much

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Bumping this up as more liveries got confirmed today!

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I really hope that this and the Turkmen 757 are staff picks just like the Gulf Air 787 with Bahrain and the Drukair A319 with Paro were

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Yup! I hope so too! Ashgabat is nearly completed, and also two new Turkmen Airports came in the latest update! So I do not see why this wouldn’t come! As far as I know, IF strives to have at least one, two or more airlines that represents that respective country! And Turkmenistan Airlines isn’t an exception to be considered, but should rather make it way sooner to the simulator!


Bumping with the beautiful Turkmen Bird!


Bump! Lets honestly give Turkmenistan a bit of love!

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Bump! Lets make this come in the sim!

Bump BUMP, let’s make this come! Unfortunately, I left the IFAET and I left two airports I made UTAV, UTAK in Turkmenistan! It would make flying in Turkmenistan a bit more attractive and the two airports I made would be the cherry on the cake completing this livery!

I would love to see this livery accompany it big brother on the B77L! 🇹🇲🇹🇲



Bumping the Turkmen workhorse!


Bumping this old topic of mine! 💀

As the current aircraft for the Turkmen carrier is the B77L in IF it doesnt represent the airline with a short haul. With this one we can compensate for all of the short/medium haul routes unlocked with this one


Would definitely love to see this livery in IF, Would be amazing to fly short and medium haul routes around Turkmenistan!

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Just vote for this livery to come! 😊❤️

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Bumping up the Turkmen medium haul flagship!