Hello everyone and welcome today aboard this flight EK145 to Amsterdam. Today we will be boarding on an Emirates A380 for our flight today to Amsterdam. Plus, today is going to be a special flight why because we have got special guests of the Star Wars casts such as Domhnall Gleeson, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Issac, Mark Hamill, And the Rest of the Other cast, so today we will Be piloting this flight Alll the way To AMS.
Today here We have a 4 Yr old Airbus A380 That Was made in 2020. Now that The Ground Crew Has Prepared the final checks for the Flight to AMS we Prepared for Pushback.
As We Started pushback we Amped up Those PW engines and We were ready to Taxi To Runway 30R since 30L was Closed for maintenance due to a Plane that Leaked Fuel. Both planes had to land and takeoff the same time on 30R.
Crossing Runway 30L we made it to Runway 30R.
@Alpha_Kabinet_Camara Following EK3 To LHR in A B77W.
Emirates 145 Wind 010 at 5 runway 30R Cleared for Takeoff.
WE Finally Departed Dubai and Heading Straight to Schiphol.
Here is The Beauty of the Middle East @Abif12. As we Were Cruising 32000ft We Passed the Middle East We passed over Kuwait.
As We Passed Countries such as Croatia and Italy And other countries. The sun drawed to night we were almost at the destination.
Touchdown!!! Welcome To Amsterdam Schiphol, Man the Star Wars Cast Were Amazed of our Aviation Skills and Then We headed to the Gate.
We finally Arrived at The Gate And was A Amazing Flight.
I wanna thank you as this has been my Second Complete Long haul this closing year.
Happy new year By @nabilk11_777flyer.